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The daily life can sometimes be very busy, stressful and we do not always realize it. We can be stuck in our little world, caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 


We do not always take the time to rest, to refocus, to feel, to listen to ourselves or even to see the signs that life sends us. It can be very easy to lose ourselves and the connection with our true essence. 

This website is an invitation for you to reconnect. To reconnect to your senses, to your emotions, to your body, to your true nature, to YOU. But not only! It is also a way to reconnect with others, nature, everything arround you, to LIFE itself. 

For this, I offer you a reconnection through Dancing Freedom and intuitive relaxing massages sessions

I also invite you to enter my World via Kits of cards and my children's book that you can buy by accessing the SHOP page or trhough the online store!

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"Dance is the hidden language of the soul, of the body"

Martha Graham


Dancing Freedom

Dancing Freedom is a somatic, ecstatic and shamanic dance practice in which you can enjoy being transported by the music itself and express through the movement what is present physically, emotionally and psychically. During the dance we are guided by elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether allowing us to reconnect to our true nature, to others, to everything around us, to LIFE itself. 

The goal is not to do a performance or something beautiful, but to move your body the way you want, according to your needs and what feels right in the present moment while respecting your physical limits and boundaries. You do not need prior dance experience to participate. There is no right way to move. So everyone is welcome whatever your age is. 


So, come as you are, with all your authenticity and uniqueness. Join us in this safe space with no judgement and allow yourself to consciously just "be" through movement.

"The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in"

chinese Proverb


Intuitive Balinese Massage

We tend to forget the importance of touching, of being touched and receiving. Yet, this natural act, that is part of our daily life without being aware of it, is essential and vital for human beings. This is what binds us to the outside world and to others. We are not always aware of being touched (the air, our clothes, ourselves, our loved ones, etc.) and yet this touch which can be neutral, pleasant or aggressive, plays a significant effect on our moods and emotions.

So, it is our responsibility to honor our body and nourish it with pleasant sensations through soft and caring touch. Hence, massage is a valuable tool enabling to give unconditional love and helping people to reconnect with their bodies and emotions.


Give yourself a moment of well-being, a moment where you can release your tensions, relax, let go and simply "be".

To book a session, please contact me by phone at +33 7 83 89 21 44 or via the contact form


The intuitive Balinese massage is an oil massage of the whole body.

I combine classic deep tissue massage techniques with my ability to intuitively give you what you need energetically. We will therefore enter together into a space of unconditional love and care in which you will receive this massage like an enveloping wave of love to bring you to totally relax your body and your mind and find a lasting feeling of reconnection and inner peace.


Improves blood circulation, reduces stress and anxiety levels, decreases muscle tension, stimulates the lymphatic system, increases mobility and flexibility of joints.

This massage can be recommended to treat anxiety, depression, arthritis, insomnia, migraines, high blood pressure.


This massage is not suitable for pregnant women and cannot be performed on people who have fever, who are contagious, have had a recent operation or have an acute injury.


80 € at home and 90 € at "La hutte des guérisseurs" for a massage which lasts between 1h15 and 1h30.

I can offer this massage at your home between Brignoles, Hyères, Toulon and La Seyne-sur Mer (within a perimeter of 30km free of charge) but also at "La Hutte des guérisseurs" in Toulon. If you wish to receive a massage but live further away, it is possible but there will be additional costs.

I use a massage table which is a little over 2 meters long and 70cm wide. It is therefore necessary to provide a space large enough to be able to install it and that I can move around (office or living room). Make sure that the place is quiet and that there is no back and forth in the room by members of your family during the massage to allow you to completely relax.

BE CAREFUL massages have no sexual connotation and do not replace medical treatments. Please read the conditions carefully before booking.

Image de Jr Korpa

"If the heart does not contemplate, the eye will not see"

Caucasian proverb



La thérapie holistique intégrée par les arts créatifs utilise le processus créatif de la création artistique pour
améliorer et renforcer le bien-être physique, mental et émotionnel des personnes de tous âges.

Diplômée de la formation Australienne HICAT (Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy = Thérapie holistique intégrée par les arts créatifs) en août 2021, je souhaite aujourd'hui proposer des ateliers créatifs pour enfants et pour adultes, dans le but de développer la créativité et l'imagination tout en améliorant le bien-être en général. 

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1:1 Session

"If the heart does not contemplate, the eye will not see"

Caucasian proverb


Photography is another of my passions, and I would like to share with you some pictures that inspire me a lot and that may also speak to you and give you another vision of what is around you.

hrough my pictures, I want to show you that it is possible to create your own reality and to see beauty everywhere, even in the most simple or ordinary things. When you keep your eyes wide open and look closer, you can come across wonderful things.

"The beauty of life is everywhere around you. Open your eyes and see it, absorb it, appreciate it, reflect it and become a part of it. When you expect to see beauty, you will see it; whereas when you expect to see ugliness, you wil do so. The choice is always yours. Drink deeply from the fountains of beauty and you cannot help reflecting it, for what is within is reflected without."

Eileen Caddy


Image de Tamanna Rumee



Welcome to my Universe. I open to you the doors of an imaginary and poetic world in which you can become little fairies by spreading your stardust via the "little fairies" kit, or become a facilitator of sharing circles within your family with the "family kit" or a storyteller and animator by offering activities around art therapy to your children via the "children kit".

I wanted to combine my world vision by using my photographies with my imagination to develop these kits of cards and this book. All these creations have the same goal: to create more connections and intimacy between people but also with everything around you. 

So let yourself be carried by magic !!!











Contact me



Mobile phone: +33 7 83 89 21 44 


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