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Image de Courtney Hedger

Gratitude project

This project came to me at the end of 2020. Over the past four years, I had the chance to meet beautiful people during my inner journey who brought me so much and inspired me a lot. So I wanted to honor them and give them all my gratitude. This project is to show how it is possible to have an impact on someone's life with very little and simple things: by sharing who we are, our experience, our vision of the world, a smile, a sentence , an activity.

Through these videos, I thank all the people who have changed my life in a significant way. Not all of these people will be on these videos because the list would be way too long.

I met some of these people during my trip and therefore I also wanted to show that despite the fact that we are far away, in different countries, the connexion is still there because we are connected through the heart. Far away but still connected!!!

Marion et le voyage Intérieur
Abby: le côté artistique enfoui
Suzy: Connexion au monde de l'invisible
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