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Dance videos

Dance transformed me. It came into my life in 2016 when I discovered this practice during a tantra workshop. I started to practice intensely 5 rhythms dance, movement medicine, Open Floor, ecstatic dance, contact dance, ect ... I was attending 3 to 4 dance sessions per week. Back then, those were the only times I felt alive.

Then when I left Paris and traveled the world, I didn't have as many dance workshops as before. In 2019, I was invited to the 100 days dance challenge which also changed my life. It showed me that dance could really be in my daily life and that it helped me reconnect to my daily emotions, to my body, to be aware of where I was emotionnaly speaking during that day.

Dancing is my way of expressing what is there. To convey messages without speaking.

For more videos, follow my Facebook and Instagram pages. 

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