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Behind the veil

Dernière mise à jour : 7 mars 2020

What is behind this veil ? Why do we feel so ashamed ? Why is it so hard to show our true face ? Why are we so afraid ?

I want a deep connection AND I want also explorations But I don’t want them separated anymore I don’t want one of them to be ignored.

What is behind this veil ? Why do we feel so ashamed ? Why is it so hard to show our true face ? Why are we so afraid ?

Let me see who you truly are Let me see what your imperfections are Let me see your skin so pale, let me feel all of your pain Let me show you that we are all the same and that we are just humans.

What is behind this veil ? Why do we feel so ashamed ? Why is it so hard to show our true face ? Why are we so afraid ?

Stop faking it. Stop hiding it I don’t need to see only beautiful, I don’t need glamour, I don’t need fake shining souls.

I am tired of superficial

tired of surface level. I just want someone real and pure, even if sometimes it is really obscure. I want to dive deep in the depth of your soul, I want to let you go in mine and share it all.

What is behind this veil ? Why do we feel so ashamed ? Why can’t we show our true face ? Why are we so afraid ?

Let me see you, Let me feel you, Let me love you So I can also remove my veil and show you my true face. Let’s help each other to go out of this cage To remove all those unnecessary layers To breath out and let go from the darkest

Yes let’s remove this veil let’s show our true face and before doing this with someone else let’s do it with ourselves without shame or being afraid.

Let’s acknowledge our emotions, our feelings, Taking the time to give ourselves the love we need and deserve to receive. Let’s show our true light even if it is not that bright. Yes let’s become unveiled and real."


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